Call for papers

There are three types of contributions that can be submitted:

  1. Conference paper
  2. Thematic session
  3. Panel session


1.    Conference paper

This is an oral presentation lasting 15 minutes.

You can submit either a standalone paper or a paper that is part of a thematic session (see below).

When submitting your conference paper, please provide a title, an abstract (max. 300 words) and key words (max. 5).

IMPORTANT: For papers that are part of a thematic session, you are requested to indicate the name of the session in the field ‘comments’.

In a second step, you will be asked to provide all authors' details.

If a conference paper has more than one author, the person submitting the paper will be identified as the corresponding author.


2.    Thematic session

Thematic sessions are proposed by a session organizer who is responsible for inviting the contributors and for chairing the session during the conference.

Each thematic session is composed of five conference papers.

The number of sessions on the same theme is limited to two (i.e., a total of 10 papers). Please name them 'Theme 1' and 'Theme 2'.

The conference organizers reserve the right to supplement thematic sessions that do not include five papers with standalone papers on appropriate topics.

When submitting a thematic session proposal, please provide a title, an abstract (max. 300 words) and key words.

IMPORTANT: Provide the list of papers included in the thematic session with titles, authors’ names and affiliations in the field 'comments'.

In addition to the submission of a thematic session by its organizer, authors whose papers are included in a thematic session need to submit their paper individually (see Conference paper).

If a thematic session has more than one organizer, the person submitting the session will be identified as the corresponding organizer.


3.    Panel session

A panel session involves up to six speakers who discuss a specific topic. We encourage panel sessions that associate academics and practitioners and who share differing perspectives. The discussion should take place among the panelists and with the audience.

A panel session lasts 1 hour and 45 minutes (same duration than a thematic session).

When submitting a panel session proposal, please provide a title, a description of the topic discussed (max. 300 words) and key words.

IMPORTANT: Please provide the list of panelists who have agreed to participate and the name of the panel moderator in the field 'comments'.

If a panel session has more than one organizer, the person submitting the session will be identified as the corresponding organizer and panel moderator.



Conference papers, thematic sessions and panel sessions will be reviewed by the scientific committee of the conference.

Registration for the conference will be opened once notifications of acceptance have been sent to authors and session organizers.

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